Customised products

Pilgrim products apr 2020 custom en

We have developed many different products and media since 2004 to support our clients' approach and ensure maximum impact for employees. Each meets the needs and special context of our clients.

By "personalised" products, we mean that we adjust our standard products to "the company's colours" or that we change the content slightly (language/jargon used, etc.).

By "tailored" products, we mean specific creations to reinforce our client's messages. These include special-format brochures, mouse pads with interchangeable messages, posters, roll-up displays, magnets, etc.

Some examples of the products we've created with our clients/partners are shown below.

Tractebel Engineering

As part of our work with Tractebel Engineering, we reinforced the key Quality messages with several different roll-up displays and a binder (called a "Flight Book" because the Apollo 13 mission was used as the common thread).


An awareness-raising campaign with several strong themes (client orientation, regular and transparent communication, meticulousness, etc.) was reinforced with custom brochures: two campaigns with three themes each printed in 11,000 copies (French and Dutch)



Quality training for executives, employees, scientists and workers (including night shifts) was reinforced with a binder containing cards on "traditional" Pilgrim themes (client orientation, learning from mistakes, etc.) and on themes specific to the client.

The materials, including a USB version of the comic strip created in French and in English, were also translated and produced in German when the group acquired a German company.

Glaxo SmithKline

In order to further reinforce its Quality culture, GSK asked us to provide a number of different tools including reminders, refreshers, teasers, etc.

The mouse pads were used for different messages (communication campaign) with a standard surface.

The questionnaire invited attendees to take concrete, measurable action.

Glaxo SmithKline

Afin de renforcer les compétencees de "maîtrise de soi" et "maîtrise des autres" de l'ensemble du personnel roulant et de sécurité, soit 4 000 persopnnes, la Société des Transports Intercommunaux de Bruxelles (STIB) nous a demandé deux modules de formation soutenu par un matériel sur mesure.

Dans leur cas, le fil rouge "storytelling" choisi fut celui des pompiers, amenés chaque jour à maîtriser le contrôle de soi et des autres. Nous suivons ainsi 24 heures de garde des sapeurs-pompiers de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale (SIAMU).

Le matériel comprenait deux brochures combinant histoires des pompiers, témoignages de la STIB et contenu pédagogique.